An Hour of Power

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I recently started a new class that meets just once a week for one hour. Very honestly, I didn’t even know what this class would look like before I began teaching it.

I wondered if I could actually present and discuss material in such a short time. I wanted the students to walk away each and every week feeling like that class was the most powerful hour of their week. Guess what? It happened!

The group that has developed is amazing, deep, profound and connected. Every person sitting in a chair is meant to be there.

We gather together at 9 AM each chilly Tuesday morning and the talk becomes deep in a flash.
What I’ve learned is you don’t need a lot of time, you don’t need a fancy space and you don’t need that many written guidelines.

All you need is a group of parents who are walking the walk and dealing with the intensities of parenting children of all ages. All you need is open communication, deep sharing and the shared goal of inner peace, family harmony and effective partnerships.

Parenting brings up so much in all of us on a day-to-day basis. Every parent should be able to have one hour a week where they gather, process, support and love.I wake up on Tuesday mornings with an excitement to be with this group. As the hour closes, I always feel sad that it is over. It is OK though because I have a sense of calm and love that is the umbrella of my entire week.

If you live in Monterey California and your available on Tuesday mornings at nine, come on down to MY Museum and have your soul filled. I promise you that you will walk away feeling enriched and empowered.

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